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Walking at the front of precision machining turning milling compound machine tool


With the continuous development of science technology, the manufacturing industry has also begun to complete the development of science technology, various kinds of active equipment continue to emerge, which has a significant progress in processing power product quality. Next, we will introduce the technological content of turning milling compound machine.

1. Various complex functions. Today, the CNC lathe which can only cast process one kind of mold is difficult to satisfy the needs of the complex manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, a multi-functional, turn milling compound machine, which can complete various operation procedures such as turning, milling, drilling, tapping, reaming reaming, will save more capital create more benefits for the enterprise.


2. Faster speed more accurate. The high-speed equipment can improve the production rate of the enterprise, while the accurate equipment can greatly improve the product qualification rate. If the accuracy of a CNC lathe can be improved micrometer level to submicron level even to nanometer level, the quality of products produced will be far higher than other similar products on the market.

3. High intelligence. The technology content can never be separated the intelligent content of the machine, especially in the active equipment of turning milling compound machine, the system can finish the functions of high processing power, high quality, high driving performance, convenient connection, simple operation, humanization, active programming, intelligent monitoring, intelligent diagnosis, etc., which can greatly save human capital maintenance costs.


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