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Kunshan CNC processing factory shares CNC processing


Kunshan CNC processing factory shares CNC processing.

NC machining refers to the machining with NC machining tools. CNC index controlled machine tool is programmed controlled by NC machining language, usually G code. The G code language of NC machining tells the NC machine tool which Cartesian position coordinates to use, controls the feed speed spindle speed of the tool, as well as the functions of tool converter coolant. Compared with manual machining, NC machining has great advantages, such as the parts produced by NC machining are very accurate repeatable; NC machining can produce parts with complex shapes that can be finished by manual machining. CNC machining technology has been widely promoted. Most machining workshops have CNC machining ability. The most common CNC machining methods in typical machining workshops are CNC milling, CNC turning CNC EDM wire cutting (WEDM).

The tool for CNC milling is called CNC milling machine CNC machining center. The lathe for CNC turning is called CNC lathe center. The G code of NC machining can be programmed manually, but usually the machining workshop uses cam (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software to automatically read CAD (Computer Aided Design) files generate G code program to control the NC machine tool.

下一篇 CNC processing 2019-12-13

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